Who assists ndis participants to develop their ndis plan?

A support coordinator or specialized support coordinator will assist you with utilizing your NDIS plan to achieve your goals, live more independently, increase your skills, and be included in your community and employment. Specialized support coordination is a higher level of support coordination for managing your ndis plan through the ndis plan management services. A support coordinator or specialized support coordinator provides support coordination services for managing your ndis portal. Once you participate in the NDIS, we'll work with you to create your ndis portal management plan. First we'll have a planning conversation with you. This helps us decide what supports to fund in your plan, who will manage the ndis portal, and when we will change your plan. An early childhood partner or local area coordinator (LAC) from an NDIS partner organization will contact you to discuss your plan, help you access supports, and talk to you about your goals. Local coordinators help people with disabilities create and work to achieve their goals, develop the capacity to make their own decisions and choices, and access the supports they need to live the life they choose.

A support coordinator helps participants coordinate and implement the supports in their plan and to participate more fully in the community. Support coordinators also train participants to build and maintain a network of formal and informal supports. A planner is a person who represents the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and who helps participants plan what they need from the NDIS to achieve their goals. Before the planning meeting, it is important for the child's representative to inform the NDIS planner of the level of support the child currently receives and what they will need under the NDIS.

During the NDIS meeting, the social worker must inform the planner what plan management option she wants to include in the NDIS plan and request that it be administered by the agency or by the plan for children receiving care outside the home. This includes any reasonable and necessary financial support related to incontinence, which means that you may no longer receive payment from the Incontinence Aid Payment Plan because the NDIS can now cover the costs of these incontinence products in its NDIS plan. This includes any reasonable and necessary financial support related to transportation, which means that you will no longer be eligible for the Centrelink mobility grant, as the NDIS can cover those costs of the mobility grant in its NDIS plan.

Cooper Anderson
Cooper Anderson

Subtly charming bacon specialist. Typical pop culture buff. Subtly charming food maven. Professional pop culture expert. Hipster-friendly coffee lover.