How would you ensure that clients are receiving timely and accurate information about their rights and responsibilities under their ndis plan and services?

We want to help you do the right thing. When choosing which supports you want to purchase with your NDIS funds, you have a number of rights and responsibilities. Provide complete and accurate information to ensure that the most appropriate service can be provided, including about your NDIS plan and objectives. Ask questions to ensure that I understand the services provided and the claim process.

We both have rights and responsibilities. If you manage your NDIS funds yourself, you should keep proof of what you spend your NDIS funds on (e.g., immediately notify St Mary's House of Welcome if there are any changes to your NDIS plan, including suspension, if my old NDIS plan is replaced by a new NDIS plan, or if I stop participating in the NDIS. If you have questions about how to use NDIS funds, your NDIS planner or LAC can provide advice and support to help you do the right thing.

Cooper Anderson
Cooper Anderson

Subtly charming bacon specialist. Typical pop culture buff. Subtly charming food maven. Professional pop culture expert. Hipster-friendly coffee lover.